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Mercy Corpsis committed to Colombia’s peace agreements’ implementation and 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its programs. In addition, it uses a gender equality and protection approach to its crosscutting axes to build stronger, more equitable and safer communities from within.


Discrimination and social exclusion are omnipresent and hold everyone back, in all dimensions of social and economic development. Therefore, we work with a gender approach, seeking equality and recognizing the particular characteristics of the context and the experiences of each person according to their sexual identity and the social constructions associated with their sex, with its implications and differences, closing gaps and combating discrimination and inequality.


With our programs we embrace protection as a cross-cutting axis, as we seek to improve safety, defend dignity, respect people’s rights and avoid exposing them to harm to ensure their integrity. Through different components such as psychosocial support, training workshops and the way in which we approach the communities, listening to them and recognizing their needs and capacities.


Rural Development
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Atención Humanitaria
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These are the 12 sustainable development goals on which we focus our programs.

Since 2015, world leaders have proposed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. These are focused on eradicating poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all. Learn more about the SDGs here:
